Do you ever go through the motions of something you're kind of nervous about triple checking before you click '
ok' only to have it be too late?
Yep, me too. More often than I'd like to admit.
My latest
incident was this blog. I had posted my heart many times over and then I deleted it...accidentally of course.
Overall it looks to be a good thing. If you are one of my (2) faithful followers you've noticed that I haven't posted in a
looong time.
A couple of different reasons for that...1) My life's been a little (okay a LOT) crazy lately and 2) I was having a hard time
separating my "work" photos from my personal photos. I always felt like I had to be "on". It was taking away from my love of photography, story telling, making people smile and sharing.
So my solution...I'll have two blogs. Here you will find my "work" photos and at you will find my personal photos.
I haven't been able to recover my old posts so for now a slide show will have to do.
So please~sit back, grab a cup of tea and take a peek around.
I love to hear from you so please leave a comment and let me know you stopped by ;)